Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Back Issue
March 2013 - Volume 12, Issue 1
Table of Contents
Research article
Short-Term Free-Fall Landing Causes Reduced Bone Size and Bending Energy in Femora of Growing Rats
Hsin-Shih Lin, Tsang-Hai Huang, Ho-Seng Wang, Shih-Wei Mao, Yuh-Shiou Tai, Hung-Ta Chiu, Kuang-You B. Cheng, Rong-Sen Yang
2013, 12(1), 1-9

Research article
Participation Motivation and Student’s Physical Activity among Sport Students in Three Countries
Miran Kondric, Joško Sindik, Gordana Furjan-Mandic, Bernd Schiefler
2013, 12(1), 10-18

Research article
The Effects of Tai Chi Chuan Combined with Vibration Training on Balance Control and Lower Extremity Muscle Power
Pao-Hung Chung, Guan-Lun Lin, Chiang Liu, Long-Ren Chuang, Tzyy-Yuang Shiang
2013, 12(1), 19-26

Research article
Artificial Intelligence in Sports on the Example of Weight Training
Hristo Novatchkov, Arnold Baca
2013, 12(1), 27-37

Research article
Using Bench Press Load to Predict Upper Body Exercise Loads in Physically Active Individuals
Del P. Wong, Kwan-Lung Ngo, Michael A. Tse, Andrew W. Smith
2013, 12(1), 38-43

Research article
Effects of High-Intensity Endurance Exercise on Epidermal Barriers against Microbial Invasion
Nobuhiko Eda, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Satomi Suzuki, Eunjae Lee, Takao Akama
2013, 12(1), 44-51

Research article
Exercise Training Improves Cardiovascular Autonomic Activity and Attenuates Renal Damage in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
Octávio Barbosa Neto, Débora T.R.S. Abate, Moacir Marocolo Júnior, Gustavo R. Mota, Fábio L. Orsatti, Renata C. Rossi e Silva, Marlene A. Reis, Valdo J. Dias da Silva
2013, 12(1), 52-59

Research article
Effects of Body Mass-Based Squat Training in Adolescent Boys
Yohei Takai, Yuko Fukunaga, Eiji Fujita, Hisashi Mori, Takaya Yoshimoto, Masayoshi Yamamoto, Hiroaki Kanehisa
2013, 12(1), 60-65

Research article
The Effect of Court Location and Available Time on the Tactical Shot Selection of Elite Squash Players
Goran Vučković, Nic James, Mike Hughes, Stafford Murray, Goran Sporiš, Janez Perš
2013, 12(1), 66-73

Research article
The Effects of Pre- and Post-Exercise Whey vs. Casein Protein Consumption on Body Composition and Performance Measures in Collegiate Female Athletes
Colin D. Wilborn, Lem W. Taylor, Jordan Outlaw, Laura Williams, Bill Campbell, Cliffa A. Foster, Abbie Smith-Ryan, Stacie Urbina, Sara Hayward
2013, 12(1), 74-79

Research article
Lumbar Corsets Can Decrease Lumbar Motion in Golf Swing
Koji Hashimoto, Kei Miyamoto, Takashi Yanagawa, Ryo Hattori, Takaaki Aoki, Toshio Matsuoka, Takatoshi Ohno, Katsuji Shimizu
2013, 12(1), 80-87

Research article
Reliability and Validity of a New Test of Change-of-Direction Speed for Field-Based Sports: the Change-of-Direction and Acceleration Test (CODAT)
Robert G. Lockie, Adrian B. Schultz, Samuel J. Callaghan, Matthew D. Jeffriess, Simon P. Berry
2013, 12(1), 88-96

Research article
Effects of a 12 Week SAQ Training Programme on Agility with and without the Ball among Young Soccer Players
Zoran Milanović, Goran Sporiš, Nebojša Trajković, Nic James, Krešimir Šamija
2013, 12(1), 97-103

Research article
Reliability of the Woodway Curve Non-Motorized Treadmill for Assessing Anaerobic Performance
Adam M. Gonzalez, Adam J. Wells, Jay R. Hoffman, Jeffrey R. Stout, Maren S. Fragala, Gerald T. Mangine, William P. McCormack, Jeremy R. Townsend, Adam R. Jajtner, Nadia S. Emerson, Edward H. Robinson IV
2013, 12(1), 104-108

Research article
Training at the Optimum Power Zone Produces Similar Performance Improvements to Traditional Strength Training
Irineu Loturco, Carlos Ugrinowitsch, Hamilton Roschel, Valmor Tricoli, Juan José González-Badillo
2013, 12(1), 109-115

Research article
Evaluating Australian Football League Player Contributions Using Interactive Network Simulation
Jonathan Sargent, Anthony Bedford
2013, 12(1), 116-121

Research article
Ground Reaction Forces and Loading Rates Associated with Parkour and Traditional Drop Landing Techniques
Damien L. Puddle, Peter S. Maulder
2013, 12(1), 122-129

Research article
Effects of Strength vs. Ballistic-Power Training on Throwing Performance
Nikolaos Zaras, Konstantinos Spengos, Spyridon Methenitis, Constantinos Papadopoulos, Giorgos Karampatsos, Giorgos Georgiadis, Aggeliki Stasinaki, Panagiota Manta, Gerasimos Terzis
2013, 12(1), 130-137

Research article
Effect of Different Rest Intervals, Between Sets, on Muscle Performance During Leg Press Exercise, in Trained Older Women
José C. Jambassi Filho, Lilian T. B. Gobbi, André L. D. Gurjão, Raquel Gonçalves, Alexandre K. G. Prado, Sebastião Gobbi
2013, 12(1), 138-143

Research article
A Pilot Study on the Effects of Magnesium Supplementation with High and Low Habitual Dietary Magnesium Intake on Resting and Recovery from Aerobic and Resistance Exercise and Systolic Blood Pressure
Lindsy S. Kass, Philip Skinner, Filipe Poeira
2013, 12(1), 144-150

Research article
Comparative Evaluation of Two Skiing Simulators as Functional Training Devices for Recreational Skiers
Fausto A. Panizzolo, Giuseppe Marcolin, Nicola Petrone
2013, 12(1), 151-158

Research article
Mechanisms for Triceps Surae Injury in High Performance Front Row Rugby Union Players: A Kinematic Analysis of Scrummaging Drills
Carol A. Flavell, Mark G. L. Sayers, Susan J. Gordon, James B. Lee
2013, 12(1), 159-164

Research article
Intermittent versus Continuous Incremental Field Tests: Are Maximal Variables Interchangeable?
Lorival J. Carminatti, Carlos A. P. Possamai, Marcelo de Moraes, Juliano F. da Silva, Ricardo D. de Lucas, Naiandra Dittrich, Luiz G. A. Guglielmo
2013, 12(1), 165-170

Research article
Analysis of Relationships between the Level of Errors in Leg and Monofin Movement and Stroke Parameters in Monofin Swimming
Marek Rejman
2013, 12(1), 171-181

Research article
Time of Day – Effects on Motor Coordination and Reactive Strength in Elite Athletes and Untrained Adolescents
Alessandra di Cagno, Claudia Battaglia, Arrigo Giombini, Marina Piazza, Giovanni Fiorilli, Giuseppe Calcagno, Fabio Pigozzi, Paolo Borrione
2013, 12(1), 182-189

Research article
Performance Level Affects the Dietary Supplement Intake of Both Individual and Team Sports Athletes
Ifigenia Giannopoulou, Kostantinos Noutsos, Nikolaos Apostolidis, Ioannis Bayios, George P. Nassis
2013, 12(1), 190-196

Research article
Effect of the Volume of Fluid Ingested on Urine Concentrating Ability During Prolonged Heavy Exercise in a Hot Environment
Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Junzo Tsujita
2013, 12(1), 197-204

Letter to editor
Does Man Age Faster at the Everest Peak? A Hypothesis Paper
Camillo Di Giulio
2013, 12(1), 205-206

Letter to editor
Salivary Parameters of Competitive Swimmers at Gas-Chlorinated Swimming-Pools
Walter A. Bretz, Marcela R. Carrilho
2013, 12(1), 207-208

Letter to editor
Differences in the Number of Accelerations Between Small-Sided Games and Friendly Matches in Soccer
Julen Castellano, David Casamichana
2013, 12(1), 209-210

Book review
Jason R. Karp and Carolyn S. Smith.
2013, 12(1), i

Book review
Kevin Young and Michael Atkinson
2013, 12(1), ii

Book review
Domhnall MacAuley
2013, 12(1), iii

Book review
Manfred Lamprecht
2013, 12(1), iv

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